Conservation Planning
NHACD’s latest effort to help promote responsible use of natural resources is the New Hampshire Conservation Planning Initiative. In 2019, NHACD hired two conservation planners to work with landowners anywhere in the state to help them plan practices to address resource concerns on their property and enhance the ecosystem services that their land provides. This initiative addresses the high demand from NH farm and forest owners for assistance in understanding and addressing their natural resource concerns.
An expansion of a similar NHACD project undertaken from 2017-2019 but limited to the Connecticut River Watershed in New Hampshire, this statewide project provides greater access to land conservation planning, technical assistance with implementation of conservation plans, and overall farm viability. This initiative is supported by the National Association of Conservation Districts.
NHACD’s conservation planners can provide farmer clients with a number of conservation products:
Conservation action plans such as grazing management plans, nutrient management plans, highly erodible land compliance plans, or soil health management system plans,
Technical assistance to a wide range of agriculture producers from maple syrup or timber producers to livestock or diversified vegetable operations,
Connections to other technical and financial assistance providers in the state,
Connections to other growers who have demonstrated expertise in their field for peer to peer collaboration opportunities,
Guidance on the process of applying for financial assistance programs from the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service, should that be an interest.
These conservation plans and technical assistance resources equip landowners with the tools they need to address their natural resource concerns and increase their farm’s productivity and long-term viability. By enhancing the efficiency and viability of NH farmland, we build a solid foundation from which our region’s local food systems can thrive.
For more information on this initiative or to get connected to our conservation planners, please reach out to conservationplanners@nhacd.net